We do IT differently.

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We do IT differently.

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July 2, 2019 Comments Off

If you're involved in the day-to-day operations of running a business, you’ve heard the buzzword, “ransomware.” You may be fully educated on the subject or maybe you’ve just heard the term thrown around,

June 18, 2019 Comments Off

According to a recent article from Tripwire, 93% of U.S. adults expressed concerns related to summer traveling and vacations. However, only FOUR PERCENT, claimed they had worries about their cybersecurity and/or devices being

May 30, 2019 Comments Off

After generations of technological advancements, 5G wireless technology is here. Its predecessor, 4G was introduced between 2009 and 2010, but a lot has changed since then. To give you an idea, a study

May 15, 2019 Comments Off

If you’ve been paying attention over the past month, you’re probably already aware that Microsoft announced the official end date of extended support for the Windows 7 operating system:January 14th, 2020If not, this

April 24, 2019 Comments Off

April is National Internship Awareness Month, and here at Sierra we’re always supporting the next generation of the working force by hiring on interns. In the past, we’ve hired interns to assist our

April 11, 2019 Comments Off

Easter is right around the corner, so that means lots of chocolate, bunnies, and Easter eggs! However, the term “Easter egg” has a different meaning in the tech world. When browsing the internet,

March 27, 2019 Comments Off

In 2019, it’s no longer the time of putting pen to paper to solve problems. Sure, sketching and note taking can be effective, but the end result is almost always digital. Plus, your

March 11, 2019 Comments Off

Simply having a business website isn’t enough these days. It’s important that your site is easy to navigate, interesting and eye-catching, and consistently usable no matter what device or browser it’s being viewed on.

February 20, 2019 Comments Off

Technology made a huge breakthrough in 1936 when the first computer was invented. However, it wasn’t until years later in 1969 that the first-ever computer-to-computer link was established. This development was what ultimately

February 6, 2019 Comments Off

Whether you’re in a relationship or 100% single, you’re at risk of being targeted by a scammer this upcoming holiday. In fact, according to ScamWatch.gov, nearly $25 million was lost from “dating and romance”

December 21, 2018 Comments Off

With less than 2 weeks left in 2018, it’s time to reflect on the year. What was good? What was bad? And what was downright ugly? From company buyouts to losses of some

November 19, 2018 Comments Off

This week is Thanksgiving, and in a flash it will be the biggest shopping weekend of the year. With technology becoming more and more prominent in our society, family and friends will likely

November 9, 2018 Comments Off

Microsoft offers various Office 365 plans for businesses and enterprises of all sizes, so you can increase productivity and collaboration within your organization. Whether you’re a small 20-person startup or a large corporation with thousands

October 24, 2018 Comments Off

According to an article from The Balance, “Manufacturing is an essential component of gross domestic product. In 2016, it was $2.25 trillion. That drove 11.7% of U.S. economic output. Manufactured goods comprise half of U.S. exports.” Not

October 10, 2018 Comments Off

Whether you’re checking your work email or scrolling through your Twitter timeline, chances are you use the internet for large quantities of your day. Most of us spend our entire work day on

September 26, 2018 Comments Off

We can’t stress enough how important it is to keep up with updating, enhancing, and monitoring your business’ technologies. We also know that implementing an IT strategy and new tech can sometimes be

September 5, 2018 Comments Off

Not sure what all the acronyms and complicated lingo that you see in the IT industry means? You're not alone! We put together a list of 25 tech terms and phrases with simple definitions, use-case

August 22, 2018 Comments Off

Windows 10, the latest version of Windows, was released in July of 2015, but there are constant updates to make improvements, provide patches, and unveil new features. The newest version of Windows was

July 13, 2018 Comments Off

It’s Friday the 13th and most people think of today as a day full of silly superstitions, but for computer users in the 1980’s and 90’s, Friday the 13th was a day to

May 23, 2018 Comments Off

Incident Management is the process of thoroughly recording an event to quicken the problem-solving time in future instances of that event, ensure customer satisfaction, and to overall increase productivity. In most cases, such

April 30, 2018 Comments Off

Our design and development team here at Sierra are developing more and more WordPress websites for our clients. WordPress websites account for more than a quarter of all sites today. This CMS is

April 10, 2018 Comments Off

In our last blog, we talked about “the cloud” and jobs you can get with its growing popularity, but now we're focusing on “virtualization.” Okay, so what’s the difference? Many people confuse virtualization

March 9, 2018 Comments Off

Forbes posted an article detailing that cloud computing is projected to increase from $67B in 2015 to $162B in 2020. With an increase in sales and revenue comes an increasing need for qualified

February 19, 2018 Comments Off

When it comes to data backup and disaster recovery (BDR), being prepared for potential disasters is key to keeping your business running. It’s not only important to have a disaster recovery solution you

February 5, 2018 Comments Off

A sales team is the eyes, ears, and voice of any company. You can have an amazing product or service, but without a team to successfully pitch it, it will likely fail. Here

January 2, 2018 Comments Off

You’ve heard the cliché New Year's resolutions: hit the gym, cut out sugar, stop smoking, save money, and so on. They’re all great resolutions – if you can stick to them.In 2018, you

December 15, 2017 Comments Off

As defined by WhatIs.com, "In personal or business computing, a user group is a set of people who have similar interests, goals, or concerns. The members have regular meetings where they can share their

December 5, 2017 Comments Off

Today, more than 30% of American adults have a bachelor’s degree. With the number of people finishing college on the rise, the amount of debt from paying college tuition is rising as well.

November 8, 2017 Comments Off

Server infrastructure, virtualization, and colocation can all seem like pretty intimidating words if you’ve never heard them before. These are just a few types of IT services that we offer here at Sierra.

October 12, 2017 Comments Off

In a world where media can be seen on every street corner, in every city, worldwide, it poses the question: Am I utilizing the best option to store and manage my video assets?

August 7, 2017 Comments Off

Sierra Experts is proud of our software development team. We hire talented and driven developers, like this month’s featured employee, David Thiry.  David is one of our best software developers, and has been