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The Next Generation of Wireless: 5G

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After generations of technological advancements, 5G wireless technology is here. Its predecessor, 4G was introduced between 2009 and 2010, but a lot has changed since then. To give you an idea, a study done by Statista showed that in 2009 Apple sold 20.73 million iPhones. Fast forward nine years later, and you’ll notice a whopping 217.72 million iPhones were sold last year in 2018. And that’s just Apple.

These stats leave Samsung and other major mobile providers out of the count. Not to mention, the Internet of Things (IoT) has exploded in the past few years, and this includes all kind of smart devices – not just mobile phones. So, in order to keep up with all of this added technology, we need the best possible wireless services, and that’s where 5G comes into play.


What Is 5G And How Is It Different?

5G is the newest, upgraded generation of wireless technology. This updated technology uses a higher-frequency band of the wireless spectrum known as the ‘millimeter wave.’

Major providers are still testing the ins-and-outs of 5G technology, but one surefire benefit will be its faster speeds. In fact, data speeds are expected to increase to 10Gbps compared to 4G’s 1 Gbps. While speed is a huge factor, it’s certainly not the only benefit.


5 Major Benefits of The Implementation of 5G Technology

1. Lower Latency

The time it takes to transfer data from one device to the next will drop immensely. Today, with 4G, it takes about 50 milliseconds. This may seem fast, but that’s fifty times slower than 5G’s 1 millisecond.

2. Increased Reliability

With 5G, you’ll no longer have to worry about dropped calls or connectivity. This will be a major breakthrough in some industries that have a critical need for reliable uptime such as healthcare.

3. Seamless Connectivity

By 2020, there will be approximately 20.4 billion connected devices. 4G lacks the speed, capacity, and flexibility needed to support a massive number of devices like this. Fortunately, 5G will boast seamless connectivity to smart devices of all kinds including phones, household devices, infrastructure, and so much more.

4. Job Creation

The introduction of this wireless powerhouse will lead to an increase in as many as 3 million jobs. Between developing, testing, implementing, and upkeep – there’s a lot of work that goes into creating a successful wireless network like 5G.

5. Improved Economy

Finally, features of 5G will help all kinds of businesses with overall growth. The U.S. alone can expect nearly $500 billion in gross domestic product from the new services, products, and industries 5G will produce.


Moving Forward

As an information technology provider, our team at Sierra is very excited for what the future of this new wireless technology holds. In fact, we’re a proud member of the PA Partnership for 5G. This organization focuses on educating different sectors about 5G technology in hopes to keep our state in a progressive mindset.

Let us know if you have any questions about what 5G will mean for your business. We’re here to make suggestions, clear up confusion, and ultimately help wherever possible so your business network is always running at peak performance.

Sierra Experts is an IT Managed Service and Support provider, specializing in IT Monitoring and Management, Cloud/Virtual Systems, Hosting, VoIP/SIP PBX Trunks and Solutions, Physical Server Hosting, Website Design and Development, Software Development, and Hardware and Software reselling. For more, check out sierr001-2.sierradevops.com


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