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From Steel City to Smart City

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The city of Pittsburgh has undergone many transformations throughout its history. From being a steel industry titan to becoming a cultural center for food and the arts, Pittsburgh has always managed to successfully reinvent itself by remaining relevant in modern culture. Now, it seems another transformation has already begun.

Over the last few years, Pittsburgh has become a booming tech hub attracting people from all around the world. Local businesses and universities have driven technological innovation resulting in third-party interest from large corporations and investors. Pittsburgh’s growing tech sector receiving international attention has opened doors to limitless opportunities for the city.


One of the primary factors contributing to this surge in technology is the innovation of local businesses and startups. Several local businesses have developed unique products and services which have drawn in millions of dollars in capital investment from third-party investors. One such business is local fish tech startup, Anglr. Based in the North Side, Anglr recently developed a product named “Bullseye” which is a Bluetooth button that pairs with the Anglr fish intelligence app to mark waypoints and catch details without needing to pull out a phone. By developing this device, Anglr successfully secured $3.3 million in funding. However, Anglr is only one of various local startups that have begun to see growth through innovation, and larger tech corporations have began to notice.


In addition to Pittsburgh’s business community, universities such as Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have also begun collaborating with large tech corporations who have entered the city. Companies such as Google were enticed by CMU’s programs, students, and professors, so they set up an office in the city, “Google Pittsburgh.” Uber also kick started their self-driving vehicle program right here in the Burgh. Just recently, Facebook announced that it would be opening an AI research facility in Pittsburgh so that it could be close to the professors at CMU that they wish to hire.


The potential for Pittsburgh to become a leader in the field of technology is closer than ever, and in a study conducted by SmartAsset, they found it may even compete with established cities such as New York and San Francisco. In said study, Pittsburgh was named the most undervalued city in the United States. This means that Pittsburgh’s value is actually much higher than what most people think it is. Due to the city’s high level of education and growth in the industries of entertainment, food services, and technology, Pittsburgh offers great potential for businesses and residents to succeed.

Here at Sierra, we are proud to call Pittsburgh our home, and we hope that you take advantage of all the resources it has to offer. If you haven’t already, why not join the technology movement? If you hit any roadblocks in the process of migrating and updating your business, give us a call. We’d love to help you with any or all of your technology needs. Contact us today to get your free consultation.

Sierra Experts is an IT Managed Service and Support provider, specializing in IT Monitoring and Management, Cloud/Virtual Systems, Hosting, VoIP/SIP PBX Trunks and Solutions, Physical Server Hosting, Website Design and Development, Software Development, and Hardware and Software reselling. For more, check out sierr001-2.sierradevops.com


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