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June Employee Spotlight: Kelsey Lucas

Kelsey Lucas spotlight

At Sierra Experts, we’re proud that our sales team works hard to find the best possible solutions to solve our customers’ problems and optimize their IT performance. This month in our employee spotlight, we’re featuring Kelsey Lucas, an Account Executive who always puts the customer first.

To explain how Kelsey started in sales, we need to begin with her time in college. Kelsey attended Indiana University of PA, where she attained her Bachelors in Hospitality Administration and Management.

When asked about her choice of major, she mentioned that she had worked in customer service since she was old enough to work. It was always something that she enjoyed, so she wanted to continue. Hospitality and management felt like a natural next step in her life. She worked hard and graduated a year early in hopes to enter the field.

During her time in school, Kelsey worked part-time in a local sports bar. She had a conversation during one of her shifts about her hope to enter sales. The right person overheard the conversation and offered her a job in sales at his company. That person happened to be her previous boss, during her tenure as a Business Development Associate at PacketViper.

Kelsey notes that her time at PacketViper taught her a lot about sales. It was a very ‘hands-on’ position, and Kelsey even completed the company’s first national sales agreement, along with gaining some key accounts.

Kelsey recalls an interesting story from her time at PacketViper, stating that,

“Sales takes a long time. It’s never about when you’re ready, it’s about when they’re ready. I remember meeting someone at a show who wasn’t in a position to purchase. We had a good conversation anyway. I received a call out of nowhere a year later from that person, and they remembered me when they were ready to buy. He worked for a large company, so it was a big opportunity, and working with him led to even more opportunities.”

At Sierra, Kelsey spends most of her time talking to customers and building connections with prospects. Her favorite part of her work is being able to solve customer problems, and seeing them happy with the services we provide. She mentions that she’s happy to work in such a tight-knit team, where she knows everyone by name. 

In her spare time, Kelsey continues to bartend on the weekends. She never stops building new connections. She is also a body builder, and had her first show on May 14th, where she took 3rd place, even as a rookie.

We’re glad to have great people like Kelsey on our team, and we’re proud of all of her accomplishments. If you meet Kelsey at an event, or speak with her on the phone, you can rest assured that she will make sure to put your business first.

Sierra Experts is an IT Managed Service and Support provider, specializing in remote monitoring and remote management of computing systems, cloud/virtual systems hosting, VoIP/SIP PBX trunks and solutions, physical server hosting, software development and hardware and software reselling. For more, check out sierr001-2.sierradevops.com


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