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Happy IBM PC Day!

ibm computer with red balloons on a blue background

Let’s take a trip back in time to August 12, 1981!  On this day in history, IBM introduced the first-ever Personal Computer (PC). It was created by a team of engineers and designers directed by Don Estridge in Boca Raton, Florida.

IBM was defining a moment in the tech industry with its launch of the PC. The IBM PC used an operating system developed by Microsoft, which led to Microsoft’s dominance in the PC market. This PC weighed approximately 50 pounds. Imagine having to lug that around to your local Starbucks! 

As if the PC didn’t weigh enough, the cost was even more! The IBM 5150 PC cost a whopping $1,565 when it first launched. For the early 80s, that is a hefty price. For the early 80s, that is a hefty price for anything. Although it was pricey, people had to think of it as investing in the future of technology. At this time, only large companies managed to afford this technology however, they made the leap to move towards the future.

Once the price lowered, other companies jumped on the bandwagon. Microsoft, Dell, and so many more created versions of this product, however, it is IBM we need to thank for paving the way.

Celebrate IBM PC Day by just giving thanks to this tech giant for creating something that would change the lives of many for years to come!


On Key

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